
Showing posts from January, 2024


By Andrew Koonoo   As we are tossed up and down by the breezes of experiences in life, we are bound to meet different calibers of people who would misinterpret our respect and our love for fear. It could be your boss at work, it could be your spouse, a family member, it could be anybody.  My boss, though married, had a mistress who visited him often, she was such a lazy woman. I would sometimes help her wash her cloths and iron them nicely out of pity and perhaps respect. It was not my duty.  I never knew that my respect for her would be misunderstood. She thought what I was doing was out of fear for her as my boss's mistress, and not respect as she sometimes ordered me around. But she got it all wrong. When I became fed up, I told her  ''madam! you see all these things I do for you, I did them out of respect, not fear''. And that was when the whole world heard of my bad. You master/mistress who infringed on peoples rights but they still bend down to greet you, it i

The Numerous Challenges Associated with Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration in Nigeria. [Essay].

Franklin Chukwuemeka Izundu Email:  A few days ago, I had a lengthy conversation with two of my colleagues in which we discussed the difficulties facing Higher Education and student affairs administration. In actuality, there are a few issues that constitute a threat to higher education and student affairs administration, as any one familiar with the operations of the majority of Nigeria's higher education institutions would undoubtedly agree. Sometimes, the ugly condition of things in some Nigerian higher institutions of learning, tends to validate the Nigerian street slang, ‘’school na scam’’ which literally implies that ‘’school is of no essence’  Is schooling truly a scam? If we were being honest with ourselves, we would all admit that education is not only beneficial but also crucial. People who are educated are better able to protect their own futures, and education also fosters independence a nd increases inventiv

Conflicts in Nigeria: The Detrimental Effects and The Way Forward.

By Franklin Chukwuemeka Izundu Email:       INTRODUCTION . An American economist, Ludwig Von Mises, made the following well founded observation…’’Society has arisen out of the works of peace; the essence of society is peace-making. Peace and not war is the father of all thing’’.   Nigeria have experienced the absence of peace for decades, series of conflicts and crisis have bedevilled it, these conflicts have drastically hindered its growth economically and otherwise. These conflicts are often between Muslims and Christians, or Farmers and Herders, some other times it arises from clash between tribes.    For dacades, Nigeria have recorded numerous clashes which had either resulted from Biafran agitation or from insurgent attacks by Boko Haram also known as ‘’Jama’atu Ahl as Sunnah II-Da’awatu wal-Jihad and other Islamic insurgent groups or from banditry in the north-western part of Nigeria or from the disastrous farmer-herder