Curator's Desk

From the curator's desk we bring to you messages of good tidings. The world as "we all know"(presumably though) is a global village. It is so densely populated that communication becomes one out of its numerous prerequisite skills. The onerous need to convey one's thought, knowledge and understanding at a blink of an eye becomes paramount. It is therefore, in reaction to the foregoing that we pledge to bring in abundance, "a beacon of hope" in this dazed world to your doorsteps. The world is largely and sumptuously in desperate need of writers as well as readers. To this effect, we can see like Steven Spielberg who rightly opined that, "only a generation of readers will spur a generation of writers". Instead of us flexing muscles with our fist, it is quite rather promising, educating and soul-enriching to engrave one's name with ink in the annals of history. I would not know if you have ever come in contact, or conscious with the popular saying that, Pen is mightier than sword". What does that tell you? Does it ever make sense to you at all? Come on! I really do not know what might be running through your subconscious mind now, but, what I can say to you, sincerely speaking is, write!!! It is via writings, documentations that world history are made to endure and linger as they get to us. Different social media outlets have been provided to us all. Let us therefore, utilize them to disseminate knowledge and information to our credits. In like manner also, is the emergence of this prestigious platform, "Episteme Hub" at your beck and call. What are you then waiting for, my dear? Remember, the purpose of education is action, giving back to the society in altruism without biases and prejudices. In all, we thank all those who have contributed immensely to this regard. We pour out our encomium upon them for their researches so far, all geared toward giving back to and enlightening the society. It is a clarion call and a source of encouragement to you today, the reader, write meaningfully by reasoning wisely in order to be free. But, do not forget, read voraciously. It is in this vein that we stand to appreciate those who will endeavor to read this publication and translate onto others the knowledge thus acquired, so that, the culture of enlightenment may continue to be sustained in our society. For beyond every darkest valley, is a great and glorious "Light".

Wishing you all, sound reading!

Ezeh Stacy Amarachi 
Chief Curator

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