By Andrew Koonoo


As we are tossed up and down by the breezes of experiences in life, we are bound to meet different calibers of people who would misinterpret our respect and our love for fear. It could be your boss at work, it could be your spouse, a family member, it could be anybody. 

My boss, though married, had a mistress who visited him often, she was such a lazy woman. I would sometimes help her wash her cloths and iron them nicely out of pity and perhaps respect. It was not my duty.  I never knew that my respect for her would be misunderstood. She thought what I was doing was out of fear for her as my boss's mistress, and not respect as she sometimes ordered me around. But she got it all wrong. When I became fed up, I told her  ''madam! you see all these things I do for you, I did them out of respect, not fear''. And that was when the whole world heard of my bad.

You master/mistress who infringed on peoples rights but they still bend down to greet you, it is respect it is not fear! 

You husband/wife who doesn't deserve any iota of love due to your bad attitude, but you are still loved and cared for always, it is respect and love, it is not fear!

You arrogant religious leader, it is respect it is not fear! 

You politician who have made yourself a  god,  it is respect, it is not fear!

We must note that, one who desires to be feared is obviously counting equality with God. And one who desires ultimate respect is purely a  replicate of the devil. In the part of respect; Respect is reciprocal they say''. Respect is not forced, respect is  given to one who deserves. when we rather force people to respect us, we lose it completely, and what we  get is rather fear and not respect. If you doubt me ask the Nigerian military they will tell you how they have lost completely their respect. Between fear and respect which do you prefer? When people fear you, you don't get the best of  them, but when people respect you because you truly deserve it, there is mutuality and cordiality and only then is the very best is gotten.

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