By: Adoga Anthony Adehi.

In recent times, cases of suicide have been on the increase. There is a very long history of suicide and from many researches conducted so far, there are many types of suicide and reasons why people opted for suicide in the face of great dilemma. Suicide from its etymology is understood to mean self killing or taking one's own life by one's own authority.

Many researches have been conducted why some people in the society opted for suicide and from the research it is evident that there are many reasons why people opted for suicide and many types of suicide as well. Some suicides are committed based on religious beliefs or conviction, other are based on personal trait and national purpose. For whatever reason, suicide cannot be the solution to any of our myriad problems. 

People have reasons why they opted for suicide, may be because life became unbearable and unpleasant, therefore one decide to take his life. It is imperative to note that life is full of many challenges and difficulties, suicide can't escape one from the reality of life, who knows what await us afterlife? 

No matter what happens to you, be patient and courageous enough to face it squarely and perhaps, you might win at last. Swallow every kind of bitterness, pride, and ambition and live. 

It is germane to assert also that individualism has contributed to the high rate of suicide in the society today, because people no longer share their feelings or problems with others who can be of help to them. Whatever we have done or happened to us is not a good reason for us to end up our lives by ourselves. Life is a gift to us, we ought to make sense of this life, and remember that you can't destroy what you cannot create. We need positive and critical thinking to overcome suicide, above all, we need to have a healthy relationship with people around us, with this suicide may not be an option for us. Have positive self esteem and never resort to personal remedy when you know that people out there can help. 

When you commit suicide, you injure not only yourself but your family, friends and the society at large. Always be hopeful for a better future, don't lose sight of your dreams no matter what you are going through and when you are free from what you have been going through, you will become better than the way you were. Suicide is not the solution but courage and wisdom to navigate in life.

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