By Franklin Chukwuemeka Izundu

This article seeks to carve a perfect portrait which bears the single onus of projecting the discovery of one’s ability as the panacea or the silver bullet that quells failure.   Discovering or uncovering once potentials entails or rather is all about having at ones finger tips what he or she can achieve without any help ab extra, hence it can be seen as knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses. In other words, the efforts and all that was put in towards the achieving of that particular goal all comes ab-intra

A saying goes thus, “the richest place on earth is the grave yard” a succinct glance at the aforementioned, reveals that the saying was as a result of the belief that many die without discovering their potentials, and so, they are buried with the so-called talents with which they would have beautified the world and made it more habitable for man to dwell.   Discovery of  one’s talent  is synonymous to knowing ones mission here  on earth and it is tantamount to living one’s life to the fullest.

Another saying rightly posits “you can be the light of the world but no one will know unless the switch is turned on”  reflecting on this, one would arrive at the conclusion that it still lays emphasis on self awareness, hence being the light of the world hear represents a person’s  untapped talents or endowments, while turning the switch on, means discovering the potentials.   Still buttressing on selfawareness, it is pivotal to note that the comely image  which the world projects today is premised on the fact that some scientists were able to discover their potentials, had they not discovered it, you would agree with me qqaqathat the world would still be primitive and in darkness so to say.

Embarking on a voyage Which is aimed at throwing more lights on the topic would be more successful if an etymological approach is employed, as it would serve as a forefinger to clearly pinpoint the focal point of this work.

This term has it’s root from the old French deciuvarte which means to uncover something that has been covered for a long time.   It is employed in this work to represent the uncovering, possessing so to say,  potentials, endowments or talents of a fellow.

The concept ability can be said to originate from the french word capacite which means being able to do something, here the talent a person possesses is depicted, whether it has been discovered or not, albeit, this work focuses more on how it can aid a life positively when discovered.

An etymological enquiry about the origin of this concept reveals that it stemmed from  the french word possibilite  which means the quality of being possible, the ability to achieve a desired aim without failing.   This remains the end product or what a person who have finally discovered his potentials stands

Hence the focal point of this work is centered on how discovering   one’s ability  would serve as possible means of attaining greater heights.


 It is quite pertinent to note that to discover a person’s temperament is inadvertently a stepping stone towards uncovering once potentials, Albeit there are four traditional temperaments, which includes the Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic and Melancholic.

Getting to know   one’s temperaments aids the individual when it comes to choosing a career. In the Western world, towards the completion of high school, students are engaged in a kind of psychological test

which in the end they are told their temperaments and with a perspicacious consideration of their strengths and weaknesses they are advised on the right career to go for.

Discover what you enjoy most:  it is said that if one should find pleasure in his or her work, the result is always amazing, doing what you enjoy most can be very interesting, as the desire to succeed is mixed with the quest for satisfaction, yielding a perfect result. Footballers in the pitch don’t just play because it is lucrative but because In playing they find joy. Journalists who risk their life to source for informations even at the expense of their life don't do  it just to get paid, but to satisfy the hunger they have nurtured so keenly. Same  goes to the writer and every other career out there.

What has held the back of many on the ground is the fear of failure, fear to leave their comfort zone.  Failure they say is a reinforcer to put in more effort, to actualize one's potentials may seem hard to an extent, but determination conflated with  desire to know one's self yields success.

It is said "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are" the type of people we mingle with, goes a long way to influence our pattern of life, as their mentality homogenizes with ours and works in a linear parlance to decipher what we turn out to be.   Many are the things to be taken into cognizance to actualize one's self, but an attempt to pen down all of them would yield pages in pages, in addition to the following, the necessity of prayer cannot be over emphasized, as only God is capable of granting our heart desires, even abundantly and exceedingly than we have ever asked for.

Franklin Chukwuemeka Izundu 

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